Live the Life of Your Dreams

In only 90 days you can be a healthier, happier more balanced and productive version of your current self.

Backed by years of evidence-based science and research, Life by Design Healthy Living has developed the Optimal Living Blueprint, which focuses on five areas of your life proven to improve your health and eliminate dis-ease. 

Currently, you and almost everyone else on the planet, are operating at a sub-optimal level due to the effects of our environment.  Processed foods, low nutrition intake, poor energetic relationships, physical & mental toxins, chemicals, electromagnetic fields and everyday social conditioning that are responsible for a breakdown in the body’s & our energy’s normal function. 

What we put into our bodies and what happens in our environment (how we think, feel, & act) control up to 98% of the way our bodies health and wellness expresses itself. 



​Most of us are familiar with our physical selves.  Your body is the instrument with which you use to have and gain experience in this life.  Like any instrument, if you want your body to work its best you must keep it well taken care of. 

Every dimension of our existence is affected by our conditioning, this is especially true with our physical selves.  Our physical health is a reflection of how we think and feel.

Everyone works differently and when we feed ourselves the proper nutrition for our body type and bring the brain, heart and gut into coherence we can become free of dis-ease. 



Knowledge is for the mind and experience is for the body.  Your mind is comprised of every organ, tissue and cell in your body, it’s the emotional self that moves you into action.  The mind connects spirit and body and our emotions that are the language of the soul. If you are not in a healthy emotional space, your body and spirit will suffer. 

​We all carry scarred emotions from our lifetime of conditioning.  Understanding the difference between an emotion and a desire, then identifying and healing old emotional scars is key to changing your current life code and creating joy in your new life.



We are all energy!  Your spiritual self is your true authentic self before you as a physical being were conditioned into the beliefs and habits you currently have. 

You are not a body; you use your body to experience this existence. Your spirit energy uses the body to learn and grow.  By learning to recognize the whispers from our higher self, we create a more coherent existence. 

​Our soul already knows how to heal the mind and body; it is innate within us. Our task is to go from Knowledge to Experience and then to Wisdom, or from Mind to Body and then to Soul.

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